Categories for Real Estate Market

Home Staging That Really Sells

Although the market is strong for sellers right now, it is important that you do not underestimate the power of home-staging. When a house is staged, it becomes a home to all potential buyers. It allows them to imagine the life they would live there and generates ideas in their ...

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There’s An App For That!

It seems like there is an app for everything these days! Recipes, rewards programs, workout plans and so much more are just a click away on your smart phone or computer. But if you are in the market for a new home, the most important app you can have will ...

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Should You Move Or Could You Improve?

At some point as a homeowner, you will be faced with the decision to either invest in renovations or buy a new home.  Families expand, lifestyles change and weighing the options can be complicated. Your decision will ultimately depend on a few certain criteria:  budget, location, needs, and the housing ...

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